Friday, September 20, 2013

The Dress, The Shop

Ok, Here's the dress.  We think

Grandma, Grandpa, friends.  We'll send you a link to this blog so you can see what the plan is.

Found it at a shop in Lakeville.  Actually, found it on-line, they carry the dress and have one in the store that we can go and try on.  Way better than ordering on-line blind.  They also were very nice on the phone.

Why we love the dress?  Classy, quality, fun.  Sometimes one will jump out at you and this is the one.

Here's the picture:

Here's the on-line site for Viktorias Dresses:

The site mentioned a discount we'd be able to share.  If they provide one, we'll share it so that others can check them out as well.


It started with a knock on the door.  A young man at the door asked if he could use our driveway. 

He spelled out HC? with bottles of bubbles to ask my daughter to Homecoming. 

The Homecoming dance actually begins now.

Next stop the dress.

Fortunately? my wife and daughter are fully into it.

Unfortunately, the options weren't great. 

Despite living very close to the largest mall in the country, the right dress was not to be found.
Why would I want a blog.  To share my thoughts with those I would like to share them with and or those who may want to hear them.

If you are reading this you may fall into one of those categories.

If you are reading a blog later in this blog's life you may be even more likely to have fallen into one of those categories.
